[gst-devel] one little annoying problem.

Andy Wingo wingo at pobox.com
Thu Jul 4 08:51:04 CEST 2002

On Thu, 04 Jul 2002, Thomas Vander Stichele wrote:

> So there's one big problem I still have for the upcoming release.
> When doing apt-get install gstreamer-universe, there are lots of gobject 
> assert errors.  The reason for this is simple - when the gstreamer package 
> gets upgraded, the old plug-ins are still on the system, and so every 
> gst-register from other rpm upgrades fails until all the old plug-ins have 
> been removed.
> Personally, I think this is nasty.  IIUC, .so versioning is supposed to 
> solve this ? I know we can't guarantee ABI stability yet, but I thought 
> that versioning is the mechanism you use to help against that.

It's not .so versioning, it's plugin versioning. It apparently isn't
working. We should fix it.

Now, once 0.4.0 comes out, the minor will have changed. Plugins only
have major and minor coded into them. The check to load plugins is 

  if (major != GST_VERSION_MAJOR || minor != GST_VERSION_MINOR) 
    return FALSE;

so things should be better in theory when we do the actual installation.
Maybe you can give this a try.

The other thing you might want to think about would be not running
-register after every plugin package. Given that user registries exist,
and that if the registry is out of date -register will effectively be
run automatically the next time you run a gst app, I see no need anymore
for gst-register, in most cases.



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