[gst-devel] MPEG2 Linear PCM

Martin Soto soto at informatik.uni-kl.de
Sat Feb 22 12:38:06 CET 2003

Hi all!

First of all, let me tell you that GStreamer really rocks! I'm still
learning plugin development, but already can tell that the framework is
excellent.  Thanks a lot for such a good job!

And now my question.  I'd like to be able to play the linear PCM sound
from a couple of DVDs I have around.  These are normal video DVDs (not
DVD audio) with sound encoded as PCM for better quality.

My first problem was that the standard mpegdemux element is not able to
extract the PCM streams.  I already hacked it to do so, and at least I'm
being able to get some raw data from the PCM stream (I'll gladly submit
a patch as soon as I'm sure that the data I'm extracting makes sense).

The second problem is the decoding of the sound data itself.  This is
not completely trivial and I was wondering if there is already in
GStreamer an element that is able to do that.  Otherwise, I may try to
write one, but wouldn't like to duplicate work if possible.  According
to the Xine source code,
http://members.freemail.absa.co.za/ginggs/dvd/mpeg2_lpcm.txt contains a
proper description of the format. 

So, if there's such an element, I'd appreciate you to point me to it. 
Otherwise, a suggestion of an element that I could use as sample to
start with would, be very useful.


M. S. 
Martin Soto <soto at informatik.uni-kl.de>

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