[gst-devel] colorspaces and videosinks

Christian Schaller uraeus at linuxrising.org
Sat Jan 10 14:22:01 CET 2004

Ok, so I was testing gstreamer-properties and couldn't at first figure
out why it only worked with xvimagesink, but not ximagesink.

Removing 'colorspace' from the pipeline made it work for all the
videosinks, but that fix is kinda bogus.

My testing with gst-launch showed the following:

'videotestsrc ! colorspace' this pipeline works with xvimagesink and

'videotestsrc ! ffcolorspace' this pipeline works with xvimagesink and

'videotestsrc' this pipeline works with xvimagesink, ximagesink,
sdlvideosink and aasink.

Since I guess we want the test to pass through a colorspace plugin
(since most video needs too) I am assuming that one of them needs to be
fixed? Or should I just have the gstreamer-properties capplet use no
colorspace plugin?


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