[gst-devel] spider snippet and looping question

Thomas Comiotto comiotto at rcfmedia.ch
Tue Jan 27 14:53:08 CET 2004

hi ronald and all,

> > I am successfully running the following pipeline with gst-launch-0.7:
> > filesrc location=pathtosomempegfile ! spider ! colorspace ! ximagesink
> >
> > However, the equivalent c-code fails with:
> > WARNING **: error scheduling group 0x822f1c8
> > ERROR       scheduler( 2746)
> > gstoptimalscheduler.c(2074):gst_opt_scheduler_iterate:
> > [GstOptScheduler at 0x81dcd88] in error state
> >
> > The minimalistic code basically consists of an iterated bin containing
> > the four listed elements above. Shouldn't be a coding error or something.
> Could you provide the code? Seems like you're forgetting something.

Code below...

I also have a question about playing videofiles looped - possibely without 
seeking since I seem to have some basic misunderstandings about GST_STATEs or 
the implementation is just inconsistent (guess not) and would like to get a 
clearer picture here. 

Goal: Play a file looped- replay file after it reaches EOF/EOS

 * catch EOS signal of filesrc
 * possibely set pipeline to GST_PAUSED, altough according to docs should 
already be in paused
 * set filesrc and/or pipeline to GST_STATE_READY (or possibely NULL)
 * set filesrc and/or pipeline to GST_STATE_PLAYING again

Video stops after eos.

I tried all sorts of GST_STATE combinations on all of the involved elements 
(filesrc, spider / mpegdemux -> mpeg2dec w. dyn pads, colorspace, ximagesink)  
and yes, I found working combinations (the ones mentioned above), but not 
inside eos-handler of filesrc, only _before_ eos was issues by filesrc. 

How does the containing bin knows about filesrc eos-state ? Is there a way to 
keep the bin untouched and just re-activate filesrc again once eos is 
reached ?

Setting the pipeline AND filesrc explicitly to paused or ready and then 
playing again issues a 'push on peer, but peer is not active' msg, at least 
in the case of a working pipeline containing spider via gst_parse_launch 
(see, I'm doing bad hacks only to get a videofile played looped and 

Putting a queue between filesrc and eg. spider (filesrc ! queue ! spider ! 
colorspace) issues a 'queue does not connect different schedulers' error.

hmm, should be easy I guess.

Greetings and thanx,

// Small spider snippet ment to play the video portion of a mpeg2 file 
autoplugged //

#include <gst/gst.h>

GstElement *pipeline;
GstElement *filesrc, *spider, *colorspace, *videosink;

main (gint argc, char *argv[])
	gst_init (&argc, &argv);

	pipeline = gst_pipeline_new ("pipeline");

	filesrc = gst_element_factory_make ("filesrc", "filesrc");
	g_object_set (G_OBJECT (filesrc), "location", "/home/thomas/slsk-shared/
cash.mpg", NULL);
	spider = gst_element_factory_make ("spider", "spider");
	colorspace = gst_element_factory_make("colorspace", "colorspace");
	videosink = gst_element_factory_make ("ximagesink", "videosink");

	gst_element_link_pads (filesrc, "src", spider, "sink");
	gst_element_link_pads (spider, "src", colorspace, "sink");
	gst_element_link_pads (colorspace, "src", videosink, "sink");

	gst_bin_add_many (GST_BIN (pipeline), filesrc, spider, colorspace, videosink, 

	gst_element_set_state (GST_ELEMENT (pipeline), GST_STATE_PLAYING);

	while (gst_bin_iterate (GST_BIN(pipeline)));

	return 0;

WARNING **: error scheduling group 0x822f1c8
ERROR       scheduler( 2746)
[GstOptScheduler at 0x81dcd88] in error state

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