[gst-devel] behaviour on "out of range" seeks

Benjamin Otte in7y118 at public.uni-hamburg.de
Mon Jul 19 02:47:13 CEST 2004

Since the net seems to have eaten my first attempt, here is a second

How should GStreamer handle seeks that go too far/too short? Should these
seeks return FALSE (this keeps the seeking app wondering why the seek
failed) or should they seek to the end/start of the stream? (this keeps
the arg wondering why the seek didn't seek to where it should)

There are some places I can come up with where this is relevant:
a) elements (like mad on vbr) that do guess-seeks and might be off
b) applications that work mplayer-style and seek relative to current

FWIW, fseek returns an error when seeking before the start and seeks to
the end when seeking past the end.

So any opinions on what behaviour would be "correct"?


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