[gst-devel] Re: pakt-0.4.2

Stefan de Konink skinkie at xs4all.nl
Fri Dec 2 19:14:02 CET 2005


daniel fischer wrote:
> Stefan de Konink <skinkie at xs4all.nl> (on Fri, 2 Dec 2005 14:13:21 +0100 (CET)):
>   > Also working on a pakt ebuild, but pakt doesn't seem to detect
>   > gstreamer-0.10 on my box, needs more fixing.
> yay! i've updated pakt to *require* gstreamer-0.10 >= 0.9.7 (feels somewhat strange).
> there's also other smallish improvements, but nothing to get excited about.

Thanks to Daniels update (thanks Daniel!) it does work straight from the
box. And now it can be installed straight onto your gentoo machine. I
would like to ask to Zaheer to review it and sneak into portage.

Most of the time I try to put things in portage, it stays in
bugs.gentoo.org for serveral months. Or doesn't come in portage at all
(for example the great program 'Praat' for phonetics).

Have fun with it, I will ;)

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