[gst-devel] Questions on image "muxing"

Ronald Bultje rbultje at ronald.bitfreak.net
Sat Jan 1 11:20:12 CET 2005

Hi Nagy,

Op za 01-01-2005, om 19:04 schreef Nagy Gergely:
> Basically, what I imagine is a generic overlay "muxer", that takes two
> images and merges them. So far, I did not find anything like it, but it
> might happen I'm just wasn't looking hard enough.

You probably mean 'videobox' (I think that's how it's called), it's what
Fluendo's streaming server uses to overlay images or text on video
frames. It can also mux two video streams (and make use of alpha
information - I'm not sure if it can crossfade but that's certainly not
difficult to add if it doesn't. Textoverlay has a different purpose and
therefore is not appropriate for you, I think. It's primary use is title
screens, subtitles and such. We'll eventually want to support scrolling
text as well, but it doesn't do that right now.


Ronald Bultje <rbultje at ronald.bitfreak.net>

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