[gst-devel] Encoding problem with gstreamer

Frederic Tronel gstreamer at tronel.org
Tue May 17 09:05:32 CEST 2005

Hi list,

I'm quite new to gstreamer, and I'm trying to use it for mixing different 
videos together. However I'm facing the following problem. Demultiplexing 
video/audio streams from their source file is OK. Decoding of streams to YUV 
raw streams is also working like a charm. Using the videomixer plugin + alpha 
channel is almost working for me (I need the read the documentation), but I 
cannot encode the resulting stream to create a new video. Visualizing the 
result with sdl or xv plugin does work however. 
The problem seems to come from encoding. I have build the simplest possible 
example of segfault with encoding:

fred at lepton:~$ gst-launch-0.8 videotestsrc  ! ffmpegcolorspace ! theoraenc ! 
EXECUTION du tube en cours ...
Erreur de segmentation
segfault localized in french :)

Same result with ffenc_mpeg1video and others encoders.

I'm using debian packages in the unstable branch. gst-launch reports:

fred at lepton:~$ gst-launch-0.8 --gst-version
GStreamer Core Library version 0.8.9

Any idea ?

Best regards,

Frederic Tronel

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