[gst-devel] gstinfo and --gst-debug-no-time --gst-debug-no-pid

Stefan Kost ensonic at hora-obscura.de
Wed Sep 28 03:02:51 CEST 2005

Hi Andy,

> Hi Stefan,
> On Wed, 2005-09-28 at 11:12 +0200, Stefan Kost wrote:
>>One idea would be to add more commandline options to control logging in the 
>>style of --gst-debug-no-color like  --gst-debug-no-time --gst-debug-no-pid. 
>>Additionally there would be new api
> Maybe, but no degree of customization is ever enough... It's much easier
> to just override the default debugging handler to some custom format.
> For example, compile the attached C file as a shared library and
have no experience with that, but taht might work.
> Alternately have your program install a handler of its own.
That would reuire my app having an option like --use-custom-log-handler :(
> I would be against adding more api to change the debugging format, but
> that's me.
I am against that too, but on the other hand like to have a way to customize 
log-output on the fly.
> Regards,


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