[gst-devel] Problem with setting queue to drop data

Thomas Holzmann holzi1 at gmx.at
Wed Aug 29 20:44:54 CEST 2007


I want to set a queue element to drop data after some time. I try to 
make it with this:

g_object_set (G_OBJECT(queue), "max-size-time", 100, NULL); 
g_object_set (G_OBJECT(queue), "leaky", 2, NULL);

But when I set these properties, the video I want to play with the 
pipeline nearly freezes and only every few seconds I get a new frame and 
With GST_DEBUG I also get these warnings:

0:00:01.780929000  7135 0x852a040 WARN              basesink 
gstbasesink.c:2123:gst_base_sink_chain_unlocked:<asink_> warning: 
Internes Datenflussproblem. Bitte schicken Sie einen Fehlerbericht.
In english: Internal dataflow problem. Please send a bug report.
0:00:01.781214000  7135 0x852a040 WARN              basesink 
gstbasesink.c:2123:gst_base_sink_chain_unlocked:<asink_> warning: 
Received buffer without a new-segment. Assuming timestamps start from 0.

So is that a bug from gstreamer or have I set the properties wrong?


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