[gst-devel] Problem with windows binaries maintained by Fluendo

NeBlackCat (lists) lists at asd-group.com
Mon May 14 15:33:19 CEST 2007

Per Christian Schaller's recent post I just tried to install GStreamer 
from gstreamer-0.10.12.setup.zip at 

The install won't work - it keeps asking for GTK runtimes and aborting. 
However I've installed three different versions of them (including the 
latest) from the site it directed me to, and it hasn't helped.

The above page says to report problems to the mailing list - so here it is!

Let me know if I can try anything to help. It's great that you host the 
Windows binaries - as Ken Seehart said, it's rather silly that they 
aren't made available directly by the GStreamer project itself (imho).

Let me know if I can do anything to help fix the above problem,

- John

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