[gst-devel] Start recording from a webcam already playing

Marc marcsabat at gmail.com
Fri Jan 30 20:37:49 CET 2009


I am trying to build an application more or less like Cheese (
http://projects.gnome.org/cheese/). However I would like to switch from just
showing the webcam to a recording state "smoothly" when the user press the
record button.

So far I have tried the following approaches without succes:

   1. Changing location property of filesink while playing (from /dev/null
   to a real path). This is not possible (filesink tells me so).
   2. Open 2 different pipelines both of them pointing to the same v4l2src
   (no success since only one pipeline can access the webcam at once).

Since these approaches were not working I tried to set the pipeline to
STATE_NULL, change the location of the filesink, and then set the pipeline
to STATE_PLAYING again. However, when setting the pipeline to STATE_NULL, no
STATE_CHANGE event is thrown. Is this the expected behavior ?

Any ideas ? Can the smooth "play-to-record" be accomplished with GStreamer ?

Thank you
PD. For the record: I am programming in Python and the pipeline I am trying
to manage is the following:

gst-launch-0.10 v4l2src ! tee name=videoout ! queue ! videorate !
video/x-raw-yuv,fps=15 ! queue ! theoraenc quality=60 ! queue ! muxout.
pulsesrc ! audio/x-raw-int,rate=22000,channels=1,width=16 ! queue !
audioconvert ! vorbisenc ! queue ! muxout. oggmux name=muxout ! filesink
location=test.ogg videoout. ! queue ! ffmpegcolorspace ! ximagesink

Marc S.
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