[gst-devel] problem of sending video

xuxin04072129 xuxin04072129 at 126.com
Wed Jun 10 07:24:59 CEST 2009

hi all:
    The following is the model of my application.
    ---------                            --------- -       -                               -----------
   -              -                       -           -           --------------->      - receiver1-
   -              -                       -            -                                      ------------- 
   -              -                       -            -                                       -------------
   - sender -   -------------->-server   -          -------------->         receiver2
   -              -                       -            -                                         ----------
  -           -                  -          -                                ----------
   -              -                       -            -          --------------->         receiver3
   -------------                       ------------                                      ---------------

    I want to send video through rtp protocol and I have implemented the application.
But each time the "sender" send a new video ,I have to restart the "server",or there is error.
I hope the "server" work continually and reset its states each time it receives a new video.

The following is the commends of server.To achieve the purpose ,is there any property of plugins should be setted,or I should use other plugins? 
    Any suggestions?



gst-launch -v gstrtpbin name=rtpbin latency=200 \
udpsrc caps="application/x-rtp,media=(string)video,clock-rate=(int)90000,encoding-name=(string)H264" port=5000 ! rtpbin.recv_rtp_sink_0 \
rtpbin. ! multiudpsink clients="," sync=false ts-offset=0 \
udpsrc caps="application/x-rtp,media=(string)audio,clock-rate=(int)8000,encoding-name=(string)PCMA" port=5002 ! rtpbin.recv_rtp_sink_1 \
rtpbin. ! multiudpsink clients="," sync=false ts-offset=0

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