[gst-devel] Transcoding support

Alex Lee alex.q.lee at gmail.com
Thu Mar 19 14:34:22 CET 2009

Hi All,

I want to add a new decoder and encoder plugin for a new video std to
GStreamer, in order to
transcode some Theora/Vorbis/OGG media file to <New video std>/Vorbis/OGG
files and play
the transcoded media file.

What I learned now is I should wirte two plugins (decoder and encoder
plugins) as Plugin
Writer's Guide tells. But this is a new video coding std, and GStreamer
don't have a MIME
type for this kind of stream. Does any one knows how to add a new MIME type
to GStreamer?

Also I want to know how to keep synchronized in GStreamer during the
transcoding process,
should I worry about that?

Another question is how to install/registry my plugin to GSteamer. So that I
can use my plugin
to creat a pipleline using gst-launch to do the transcoding work. Does
GStreamer can load and
use my plugin from another shared library?

I'm also confused by gst-launch parameter list format:

     example% gst-launch sunaudiosrc !
=[16,32],depth={16,24,32},signed=(boolean)true' ! wavenc ! filesink

     example% gst-launch filesrc location=videofile ! decodebin name=decoder
oder. ! queue ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! osssink decoder. !
ce ! xvimagesink

Why there is a ! between "sunaudiosrc" and its properties and what the
meaning of the "." after
"osssink decoder". Does any one knows some pointers talking the format and
their real meaning?

Please correct me if there are any errors. I completely new to GStreamer.

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