[gst-devel] please help me! Does I block the tee element wrong?

Tiago Katcipis katcipis at inf.ufsc.br
Fri Aug 6 17:05:36 CEST 2010


i don't know if this is your problem, but when having multiple udpsinks or
even one sink (audio/video) + a udpsink, if you don't set the async
propertie of the udpsink to false the pipeline will stay blocked on

hope this helps :-).

Best regards,
Tiago Katcipis

On Fri, Aug 6, 2010 at 9:55 AM, 刘兴民 <xflxmin17 at 163.com> wrote:

> Hi,All
> Now, I have a problem puzzled me several days. I want to transmit the video and audio to the other computer by 'gstrtpbin'.
> The pipeline, I used, as the following.
> diagram 1:
>                                                    +------+      +--------------------+      +------------+       +-------------+
>                                            +----> |queue |--->|ffmpegcolorspace |--->| videoscale |--->|autovideosink|
>                                           /        +------+      +---------------------+     +------------+      +-------------+
> +----------------+       +---------+ /
> |                  |-----> | tee     |       |+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> will link for transmit video
> |                  |       +---------+ \    |      +----------------------------+
> |                  |                       \ +---->|                             |
> |                  |                                 |                             |
> | uridecodebin |                                 |      transmit bin       |
> |                 |                                  |                             |
> |                 |                        /+----> |                             |
> |                 |                      /   |       +----------------------------+
> |                 |       +----------+      |+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------>will link for transmit audio
> |                 |----->|  tee     |
> +--------------+       +----------+
>                                      \
>                                        \         +------+    +-------------+       +-------------+
>                                          +---->|queue |--->|audioconvert |--->|autoaudiosink|
>                                                  +------+    +-------------+        +-------------+
> diagram 2 (transmit bin):
> +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> |                                                                                                                                                             |
> |        +------+     +----------------+         +--------+     +----------+       +-----+               +---------+    +-------+                   |
> |        |queue |--->|ffmpegcolorspace|-->|x264enc |-->|rtph264pay|-->|queue|--+           |          | -->|udpsink| rtp for video  |
> |        +------+     +----------------+         +--------+     +----------+      +-----+     \          |          |    +-------+                    |
> |--+    /                                                                                             \ +--> |gstrtpbin|    +-------+                    |
> |  |   /                                                                                                        |           | --> |udpsink| rtcp for video|
> |  |<-+ ghost pad "video_sink"                                             +------+                   |          |      +-------+                   |
> |  |                                                              rtcp for video |udpsrc|--------------->  |          |                                    |
> |--+                                                                               +------+                   |          |                                    |
> |                                                                                                               |          |                                    |
> |--+                                                                                +------+                  |          |     +-------+                    |
> |  |                                                               rtcp for audio |udpsrc|---------------> |          |--->|udpsink| rtp for audio  |
> |  |<-+ ghost pad "audio_sink"                                             +------+                   |          |    +-------+                    |
> |  |   \                                                                                             +------>  |          |    +-------+                    |
> |--+    \                                                                                        /             |          |--->|udpsink| rtcp for audio |
> |        +-----+   +------------+       +----+   +--------------+    +-----+            /                |          |    +-------+                     |
> |        |queue|-->|audioconvert|-->|faac|-->|rtpmp4apay |-->|queue|-----------+               +----------+                                   |
> |        +-----+   +------------+       +----+   +---------------+   +-----+                                                                             |
> |                                                                                                                                                               |
> +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> 1)I create a pipeline to playback the media for previewing. As diagram 1. But it hasn't contain the transmit bin.
> 2)I hang the transmit bin to the pipeline which is in the running state.
> In order to add the transmit bin dynamicly, I do several steps.
> 1.add transmit bin to the running pipeline.
> 2.block video tee element's sink pad, and request a src pad.
> 3.block audio tee element's sink pad, and request a src pad.
> 4.link video tee's source pad to transmit bin's "video_sink" ghost pad.
> 5.link audio tee's source pad to transmit bin's "audio_sink" ghost pad.
> 6.change the transmit bin's state to running.
> 7.unblock the double tee's sink pad.
> In order to receive the media in the recevier end, I need the video and audio's caps.So I set up a signal handle to the 'udpsink'.
> I can get the video's caps correctly, but I can't get the audio's caps. Note that, the pipeline can playback the video and audio very well.
> I guess the probem may be in the blocking pad section. I change the blocking order, sometimes I can get the audio caps, but the video caps not .
>         if( !gst_pad_set_blocked(tee0_pad_sink, TRUE) && !gst_pad_set_blocked(tee1_pad_sink, TRUE) )
>         {
>             g_printerr("pad block failed");
>         }
>         if( GST_PAD_LINK_FAILED( gst_pad_link(tee0_pad_src1, transmit_bin_video_sink) ) &&
>             GST_PAD_LINK_FAILED( gst_pad_link(tee1_pad_src1, transmit_bin_audio_sink) ) )
>         {
>             g_printerr("tee1 pad link transmit_bin's video/audio sink failed\n");
>         }
>         gst_element_set_state(transmit_bin, GST_STATE_PLAYING);
>         if( !gst_pad_set_blocked(tee0_pad_sink, FALSE) && !gst_pad_set_blocked(tee1_pad_sink, FALSE) )
>         {
>             g_printerr("pad unblock failed");
>         }
> Please help me. Thanks in advance.
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