[gst-devel] Files created with lamemp3enc does not show correct values (at least) for length and bitrate.

Yogesh Marwaha yogeshm.007 at gmail.com
Tue May 4 07:22:36 CEST 2010


I had posted a bug report
(https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=617545) with following
content: -

Using 'lame' element (which is deprecated, as per documentation) everything
seems fine but when 'lamemp3enc' is used files so created does not show correct
values for length and bitrate, though it plays fine.

Here are the examples: -

gst-launch -v cdda://1 ! audioconvert ! lame ! filesink location=track.mp3
gst-launch -v cdda://1 ! audioconvert ! lamemp3enc ! filesink

Using lame: length: 285; bitrate:128; size:4.4 MiB
Using lamemp3enc: length: 1054; bitrate:32; size:4.0 MiB

gstreamer version: 0.10.29
gstreamer-ugly version: 0.10.14
I'm on openSUSE 11.2 32-bit

...and later I came to know (courtesy: Sebastian Dröge) that it is not
a bug and "You have to add the xingmux element after lamemp3enc (or
lame) if encoding in
variable bitrate mode. Otherwise the length can't be estimated properly."

...and I thought that I should follow-up on this mailing list to get
answer to my question, so I'm here.

The question is: If I want to use id3v2mux, even then do I need to use xingmux?

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