[gst-devel] fullscreen video show and hide

John Buckley buckleyassoc at comcast.net
Fri Oct 22 16:57:04 CEST 2010


I got this to work very predictably by following the forum examples a little closer. 

I was importing all my GUI objects f rom a Glade XML file and for some reason the event signalling and callbacks for the toplevel popup  window did not work .  I'm sure it would work eventually if I had more time to learn the Glade tool.  But, the examples I was following create the popups on the fly and destroy them when finished.  When I create the toplevel popup  window on the fly the signalling works as expected. 

I am still using the Glade tool for my main window and all other widgets since it is an awesome way to create beautiful modern graphics. 

I will be posting some youtube video clips soon for this project.  It is turning out to be a very nice application. 

The software is still in its infancy but most of the hurdles are past and now it's full steam ahead for functionality. 


John Buckley 

----- "Tim-Philipp Müller" <t.i.m at zen.co.uk> wrote: 

On Wed, 2010-10-20 at 21:56 +0000, John Buckley wrote: 


> I have a a GTK+ application with buttons on the main panel. 
> When I click a Record button I want streaming video to appear 
> fullscreen. 
> When the user clicks the video screen anywhere, I want the video to 
> stop and disappear and go back to the main window. 
> Does anyone have any examples of anything like this using either popup 
> windows or gstxoverlays. 

You could look at the totem code, it supports something like this. If 
you're lucky, it's sufficient to make GStreamer render into your 
application window and then just fullscreen/unfullscreen that using your 
toolkit's API for that on the window handle. 


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