duration and media-duration in GnlObject

Edward Hervey bilboed at gmail.com
Sat Aug 6 01:18:58 PDT 2011


On Fri, 2011-08-05 at 17:11 +0530, vineeth wrote:
> Hi,
>   I wanted to know the difference between "duration" and
> "media-duration"  in GnlObject and I couldn't comprehend this clearly
> from the documentation.

  Duration is for how long something will be played from the outside.
  Media-duration is how long you're taking from the contained media.

  99.99% of the time you want media_duration == duration.

  If you want a source to play faster/slower (without any extra cost),
you can modify those values accordingly.
  Ex : I want to playback an intro video two times slower. That video is
originally 3s:
   media_duration = 3s
   duration = 6s

  The rate is computed from the duration/media_duration values
automatically, it's just provided as a convenience.

>   If I want the Gnl pipeline to render at a faster rate, (but without
> changing the timestamp of sources) which property should I change? I
> read that rate is a read-only property.

  You can either:
  * Seek with a rate of 0.5 if you just want to play it back slower
  * OR you'll have to modify all the source duration/media_duration
values accordingly.


>   Thanks.
> --vineeth
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