Trying to use playbin2 with filesink.

Steve it at
Fri Aug 12 12:39:29 PDT 2011

Hi People, 

I'm trying to give some care to a complex video application component that 
uses GStreamer in the following way:

gst-launch playbin2 uri=file:///home/steve/vid_tmp.mkv


gst-launch playbin2 uri=v4l2:///dev/video0

Because it also has a large installed base, I don't want to change the 
fundamental way it works (ie playbin).  But I do want to add a filesink 
to it, so that I can save the video when it is being used in v4l2 mode.  
I was hoping to use something like this:

gst-launch playbin2 uri=v4l2:///dev/video0 ! tee name=videosave ! \
videosave. ! {queue ! videorate ! video/x-raw-yuv,fps=10 ! \
queue ! theoraenc  ! \
queue ! muxout. oggmux name=muxout ! filesink location=vid_tmp.mkv }

But I get:

WARNING: erroneous pipeline: link without source element

Thanks in advance.



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