Issue while using queue2 with temp-template

Sameer Naik sameer.subscriptions at
Tue Feb 15 08:58:07 PST 2011


I am developing and application where i need to download a file over
http protocol and then feed the file to an application via appsink. In
the pipeline i need to use queue2 so that the file is saved and i can
seek through the file.

my application pipeline is as follows:

httpsrc > queue2 > appsink

queue2 has the following properties set.
- use-buffering=1
- max-size-time=0
- max-size-buffers =0
- max-size-bytes= 2097152 (2 MB)
- temp-template="/tmp/video-XXXXXX"

I have found that when temp-template is specified, the queue2 element
does not behave correctly and will behave differently with various
versions of gstreamer.

with version 0.10.29, every gst_app_sink_pull_buffer () call will
return the first 4096 bytes.
with version 0.10.31, it will return garbage.

If temp-template is turned off, then queue2 works correctly.

I tested this behaviour in the launch line using filesink to save the
file as follows.

gst-launch souphttpsrc location=<file-location> ! queue2
max-size-time=0 max-size-buffers=0 max-size-bytes=2097152
use-buffering=1 temp-template=/tmp/video-XXXXXX ! filesink

In gstreamer version 0.10.29, the saved file will grow indefinitely
(pipeline never stops) and will have the first 4096 bytes throughout
the file .
In gstreamer version 0.10.31, the saved file will stop after
downloading the file. Saved file won't be the same size as the source
and is not playable.

However, if the pipeline is constructed so that it is played out. For example.

gst-launch souphttpsrc location=<file-location> ! queue2
max-size-time=0 max-size-buffers=0 max-size-bytes=2097152
use-buffering=1 temp-template=/tmp/video-XXXXXX ! demuxer !
video_decoder ! ffmpegcolorspace ! queue ! xvimagesink

Then the file plays out correctly.

I have no idea why this behaviour is occurring when filesink of
appsink is used.
I will be looking into the queue2 sources for possible issues. Any
pointers in this regard would be really helpful

Thanks and Regards
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