Getting the element factory name.

Michael Smith msmith at
Fri Jun 3 09:32:10 PDT 2011

GST_ELEMENT_NAME on an element will give you the element name. If
that's what you want - great.

However, you ASKED for the element factory name. For that, you can use

Note that you want to call this on the element factory, NOT the element.


On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 8:51 AM, Sameer Naik
<sameer.subscriptions at> wrote:
> I just checked up on how gst_bin_get_by_name () call works.
> children = gst_bin_iterate_recurse (bin);
> result = gst_iterator_find_custom (children, (GCompareFunc)
> compare_name, (gpointer) name);
> gst_iterator_free (children);
> And in the compare_name function
> eq = strcmp (GST_ELEMENT_NAME (element), name);
> It seems GST_ELEMENT_NAME () is how it is supposed to be done. Looks
> like something is wrong in my code.
> Thanks
> ~Sameer
> On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 9:01 PM, Sameer Naik
> <sameer.subscriptions at> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am using the gstreamer-0.10.34. I would like to know how do i get
>> the name of an element factory.
>> I create an element, say
>> GstElement *element;
>> GstElementFactory *factory;
>> element = gst_element_factory_make ("queue2", NULL);
>> factory = gst_element_get_factory (element);
>> I need to query the factory such that it return "queue2" as its name.
>> In an earlier release of gstreamer i used to call:
>> factoryname = GST_ELEMENT_NAME (factory);
>> And i would get the factoryname as "queue2". But in the 0.10.34
>> release it returns "elementfactoryXXX", where XXX is a random number.
>> I am writing a function to return a reference to am element belonging
>> to a particular factory.
>> Thanks and Regards
>> ~Sameer
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