Debugging GStreamer : refcounting

Thomas Scheuermann scheuermann at
Mon Jul 15 05:31:56 PDT 2013

Am 15.07.2013 11:46, schrieb Tim-Philipp Müller:
>> I use here gstreamer-sdk with gstreamer-0.10 on a 32-bit debian wheezy.
>> I want to debug the reference counters and found the debug variable:
>> but I can't interpret the output.
>> Is there a way to see if there are any references which need to be
>> unrefed but which are not?
>> In the end we are looking here for memory problems with gstreamer,
>> because it crashes after it has reached 3GB memory.
> if you're on Linux, I'd recommend the valgrind suite of tools.
>   $ G_SLICE=always-malloc valgrind --leak-check=yes yourapplication
> (you can also pass suppression files from the GStreamer common module so
> it doesn't report one-time allocations in GObject and GStreamer and
> things like that, cuts down the noise a little).
How can I do this?
Is there a documentation about this?
If I use valgrind the video doesn't play correctly at all. We have the
situation here that we only have streaming videos which we have to decode.
> Warning: Malformed stack trace detected.
> Then there's also the valgrind tool "massif", with which you can track
> where what gets allocated over time. This is useful if it doesn't leak,
> but just builds up somewhere. Again, use G_SLICE=always-malloc.
with massif I only get 'Warning: Malformed stack trace detected.'
> Cheers
>   -Tim


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