Using liveadder

Olivier Crête olivier.crete at
Thu May 9 09:26:05 PDT 2013

On Thu, 2013-05-09 at 09:51 -0400, John Westing wrote:
> 1) What buffer timestamp input requirements does liveadder have? 

Timestamps must be valid.

> 2) Why does liveadder buffer audio? 

The use-case that liveadder was designed for is RTP streams where you
have multiple discontinuous streams arriving in real-time. So if you
have two pads, you want to output a buffer if you have one one either
pad (because you're not guaranteed to have one on both), but you also
want to make sure to properly mix if you have data on both.

> 3) When I have 2 identical streams into liveadder why does only 1
> play? 

It should mix them. If they are identical, that will probably result in
doubling the volume. It's called adder because the mixing algorithm is
to add the samples together.

> 4) Does liveadder try to synchronize multiple streams?

Yes, unlike adder, liveadder takes great pain to make sure incoming
streams are synchronized before they are mixed.

Olivier Crête
olivier.crete at

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