imagefreeze and EOS and multifilesrc and CPU usage

Hector Canto hectorcanto at
Tue May 28 09:22:43 PDT 2013

Hello everybody

I've been experimenting with multifilesrc and imagefreeze to generate a
video from an image.

I've found out that imagefreeze is not passing the EOS. Is that the
expected behaviour? Should I forward the EOS bypassing the imagefreeze? Is
there an alternative to imagefreeze.

With multifilesrc I'm receiveng a lot of buffers at the beggining so files
got bigger than it should and the element is getting a whole 100% CPU . If
I put a queue with limitted buffers (2) is the queue the one occupying a
whole core. How I limit the buffer flood from the multifilesrc? Keeping the
CPU usage low is important because I'm doing other hard tasks at the same

I've started with 0.10 but then I've also tried out with 1.0.

Pipelines looks like:

multifilesrc location=image.png caps="image/png,framerate=25/1" ! queue
max-size-buffers=2 ! gdkpixbufdec ! videoconvert ! xvimagesink

filesrc location=image.png ! gdkpixbufdec ! ffmpegcolorspace ! imagefreeze
! xvimagesink

Héctor Canto
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