TESTING: GStreamer VA-API Plugins 0.5.8.pre1

Gwenole Beauchesne gb.devel at gmail.com
Tue Nov 26 09:51:44 PST 2013


This is a call for testing gstreamer-vaapi as available in git master
branch (0.5.8.pre1):

Major changes:
* Add support for MPEG-2 and H.264 video encoding

- GStreamer >= 1.0, LibVA >= 1.2.0 (VA-API >= 0.34.0)
- H.264 encoding: Intel Sandybridge and newer
- MPEG-2 encoding: Intel Ivybridge and newer

== Reporting Bugs ==

* Bugs can be reported in the GNOME Bugzilla system at:

>From the main page, new bugs can be reported through New -> Other ->
gstreamer-vaapi product.

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