Fake live stream in RTSP server

David Holroyd dave at badgers-in-foil.co.uk
Sat Aug 23 06:33:25 PDT 2014

On 21/08/14 08:44, jmichiel wrote:
> I'm making an RTSP server based on Gstreamer.
> One of the features I'd like to implement is a 'fake live feed': stream a
> file that repeats endlessly.
> How would I go about implementing that?
> I guess that it's fairly simple, but as I'm new to Gstreamer, I don't really
> see how.
> I was thinking about listening for EOS messages, and do something with that,
> but don't know how, and if that's the best way.

I don't know gstreamer's RTSP elements, but having recently done this 
for plain RTP audio output, the approach I got mostly working was to,

  - create a 'bin' containing the output stage elements + sink GhostPad
  - create a 'playbin', setting the 'audio-sink' to the above bin
  - reset the playbin 'uri' in a handler for its 'about-to-finish' signal
  - give the uri property an initial value and start the pipeline playing

Hope that provides some inspiration!


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