Missing decoder plugins on OS X?

Alexandre Quessy alexandre at quessy.net
Sun May 4 08:22:12 PDT 2014

Hello everyone,
We just released version 0.1.0 of a new free/open source video mapping
software! We have a Qt application built using GStreamer-SDK 0.10. It reads
video clips and displays them via appsink and OpenGL. It works fine on
GNU/Linux. Now, the problem I am having is that most codecs are not decoded
successfully on OS X.

Am I missing some plugins?
Should I try with a more recent build of the GStreamer-SDK?

If you guys want to give it a try, here it is:
http://mapmap.info/tiki-index.php?page=Download - launch it from the
Terminal by running /Applications/mapmap.app/Contents/MacOS/MapMap to see
print messages.

Thanks a lot.
Alexandre Quessy - 亚历山大 - ألكسندر
http://alexandre.quessy.net - Artiste en nouveaux médias
http://perte-de-signal.org - Membre de Perte de signal
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