Playback speed and playbin - do they work together?

Sebastian Dröge sebastian at
Wed May 7 12:30:50 PDT 2014

On Mi, 2014-05-07 at 19:50 +0300, Alexandru Palade wrote:
> Thank you, Tim, I'll give it a shot. I plan expanding this to have the
> loop, but based on input to change dynamically the video and then go back
> to the loop, so I'm kind of stuck with about-to finish, ain't I?

Most likely it will be easier for your use case to not use playbin but
instead use multiple uridecodebins (one per source) that are dynamically
connected to a playsink or disconnected from it. That allows you to have
much more fine-grained control over when to switch between files, to
prepare the next file with an appropriate rate already, etc.

> I'll have a look at frame stepping examples as you said, but if you have a
> suggestion on where to start with playbin (or any other solution for
> looping a single file -> looping another file on a specific input -> back
> to looping the first file and all this with dynamic playback speed).

Take a look at gst-plugins-base/tests/examples/playback for all these
things btw, it implements a simple UI that allows you to seek, do frame
stepping, etc.

Sebastian Dröge, Centricular Ltd -
Expertise, Straight from the Source
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