Videoconvert needs to be optimized

Nicolas Dufresne nicolas.dufresne at
Sun May 18 15:46:27 PDT 2014

Le dimanche 18 mai 2014 à 18:33 +0000, Yaroslav Andrusyak a écrit :

> Gstreamer is are great software, i use it for srcreencastin with
> hardware vaapi and omx h264 encoding. 
> But conversion  from ximagesrc (BGRx) --> vaapi\omx (NV12) with
> videoconvert (videoconvert_convert_matrix8) 
> uses too many CPU resources.

The biggest gain would be to get an HW accelerated post process method
to do the work. Basically a way to replace videoconvert with an
accelerated version.

Videoconvert already has a lot of optimization, we can't trade
correctness for speed, hence there will always be a certain amount of
work to do. Though you have an interesting typo, "many CPU", an option
could be to add some parallel processing to videoconvert so the load
could be spread across multiple cores. This will for sure require a lot
of work, but could enabled real time processing of larger images in
certain cases.


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