(GstPipeline *)gst_parse_launch("appsrc name=src is-live="true" do-timestamp="true" caps="video/x-h264.....

João Machado joao_m_s_m at hotmail.com
Sun May 25 03:35:53 PDT 2014

Hi all,

I am newbie with Gstreamer and I am having problems to create a pipeline to display mp4 video format.

The output of the gst-discoverer-0.10 of the related file is: 
  container: Quicktime
    audio: MPEG-4 AAC
    video: H.264

  Duration: 0:0Set the pipeline state to playing, so it actually displays video1:27.574000000
  Seekable: yes
      video codec: H.264 / AVC
      language code: en
      audio codec: MPEG-4 AAC audio
      maximum bitrate: 139644
      bitrate: 139644
      encoder: Lavf55.36.100
      container format: ISO MP4/M4A

The "producer side is working" and the output of the  gst_caps_from_string() is

video/x-h264, stream-format=(string)avc, alignment=(string)au, level=(string)4.1, 
 profile=(string)high, codec_data=(buffer)01640029ffe1003527640029ac34c80780227e5c05b808080a000007d20001d4c1d0c000e4e00000e4e1d77971a18001c9c00001c9c3aef2e1f088451601000428ee3830, width=(int)1920, height=(int)1080, framerate=(fraction)30000/1001, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1

In the "Consumer side" I tried something similar with the previous caps but without success and the GStreamer thrown an error and defined the following caps:

video/quicktime; video/mj2; audio/x-m4a; application/x-3gp

I have managed to create a pipeline with the following line but for VP8 encoding format:

(GstPipeline *)gst_parse_launch(
        "appsrc name=\"src\" is-live=\"true\" do-timestamp=\"true\" "
        "caps=\"video/x-vp8, width=(int)640, height=(int)360, "
        "pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, framerate=(fraction)1000/1\" ! queue2 ! "
        " vp8dec ! ffmpegcolorspace ! ximagesink sync=\"false\" ",

I need something similar to this but I haven't manage to find. 

Please let me know if you know what is the issue.

Thanks in advance,
João MSM
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