"Seek" not working, likely due to duration being detected improperly

Tim Müller tim at centricular.com
Wed May 28 14:48:28 PDT 2014

On Wed, 2014-05-28 at 13:07 -0700, Cameron wrote:


> I believe it is not only in a paused state, but has waited for the message to
> state as much; the code for seeking is only called from within a
> "BusWatcher" which receives a message, and when that message is
> "MessageType.StateChanged." 
> It is specifically within an if statement that checks:
> if((oldstate==State.Ready)&&(newstate==State.Paused))
> So I am pretty sure that the system is in the Paused state and the message
> saying so has been sent and received.

Make sure to also check the 'source' (src) of the message and make sure
it matches the pipeline, since you will also get state change messages
from elements within the pipeline, and those will be sent before the
pipeline actually reaches paused state / prerolls.

Also check if tsparse will provide a duration at all, e.g. with
gst-launch ..... ! progressreport ! sink


Tim Müller, Centricular Ltd - http://www.centricular.com

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