BadShmSeg when adding textoverlay dynamically

Tim Müller tim at
Sat Nov 15 08:55:28 PST 2014

On Sat, 2014-11-15 at 16:53 +0100, Francisco Velázquez wrote:

Hi Francisco,

> Your advice in c) works fine. When using elements in silent mode, do
> they still introduce an overhead? For example, do they perform some
> copy operations that can impact performance? does it depend on the
> implementation of each element, or does the GStreamer framework handle
> silent elements as they were not instantiated?

The "silent" property is textoverlay-specific (and badly named too). If
it's set to TRUE, the element should have close to no overhead, it
should just push on the video buffers received, without doing any
copying or other work.

> Do you know what else can I try to make it work when adding dynamically
> the textoverlay into the pipeline? I would like to apply similar
> scenarios for other pipelines. In my scenarios, it is relatively
> unknown the element that will come in the future. Therefore, I cannot
> link them before using the “silent” property.

You could also try to put in an identity element instead, to see if that
works. There's also a little gstinsertbin library in gst-plugins-bad,
which might work fine for what you want to do as well.

I also modified the test-effect-switch.c test from -base to include a
textoverlay, and that seems to work fine too (with a small mod to get
the right sink pad).


Tim Müller, Centricular Ltd -

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