BadShmSeg when adding textoverlay dynamically

Tim Müller tim at
Sun Nov 23 06:23:10 PST 2014

On Sat, 2014-11-22 at 22:43 +0100, Francisco Velázquez wrote:

Hi Francisco,

> FYI:
> I tested exactly the same code ( in Ubuntu 14.04 and it works fine.
> Also, the code that I discussed initially in this thread, executes fine in Ubuntu but not in OS X10.10. The only difference in the code is in line 60, where the element for OS X is “osxaudiosink” instead of “pulsesink”.
> In Ubuntu I use GStreamer 1.5.0 (GIT). In OS X I use GStreamer 1.4.3.
> Should I fill a bug about it? or is it a known issue that not everything works as expected in OS X?, or is it perhaps not even intended to do so?

Yes, please file a bug about it if something doesn't work as expected.


Tim Müller, Centricular Ltd -

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