Ultrasound and audiotestsrc

Sebastian Dröge sebastian at centricular.com
Fri Aug 28 03:32:41 PDT 2015

On Fr, 2015-08-28 at 11:41 +0200, Christian Leichsenring wrote:
> Is there a reason why the frequency argument of audiotestsrc is 
> capped at 20 kHz? I want to generate a signal that lies well and 
> surely beyond the capacity of human hearing and while *I* most 
> definitely can't hear 20 kHz anymore, I don't want to drive any 
> visiting babies nuts that might be around every now and then.
> My sound card is currently set to a sample rate of 48 kHz allowing 
> for 24 kHz as the maximum audio frequency and I could in theory crank 
> it up to 192 kHz so there's really no reason on the digital side why 
> I shouldn't be able to go nuts with the frequency generator. Or is
> there?

There's no technical reason for that, no. We should just make sure that
the frequency is always smaller than half the sample rate somewhere in
audiotestsrc :)

Sebastian Dröge, Centricular Ltd · http://www.centricular.com
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