Ravenna/AES67 protocol: before starting the journey...

Roberto Grossi grossi.roberto at gmail.com
Sat Dec 5 12:19:37 PST 2015

Hello, I am interested in gstreamer as it is well organized and documented.

My plan is the following. I own a machine (multichannel DAC) that supports
the Ravenna/AES67 protocol and would like to stream an 8-channel WAV file
to it using the RTSP server plus other things. I git cloned the following

- gst-plugins-base
- gst-plugins-good
- gst-rtsp-server
- streamer

I have some questions to ask before starting, as I am a bit scared to
discover lately that some ingredients could be missing:

1. Does gst-rtsp-server already include the support for PTPv2?
2. Can I slave the RTP timestamps of gst-rtsp-server to the DAC (the
grandmaster) using PTPv2 domain 0?
3. Can I customize the SDP info, as required by Ravenna/AES67?
4. Am I missing any crucial component to install from gstreamer? (I can
handle zeroconf separately).

Thanks a lot
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