Save an MPEG2 compressed file from live stream

Paul Barber paul.barber at
Mon Jan 5 07:06:19 PST 2015

Happy New Year to all (this thread is continued since before Christmas)

Sérgio Agostinho wrote:
>From what you describe the EOS callback is returning. It is locking somewhere else.

After another look and tidy up I see the call that locks is gst_pad_send_event()
It also locks if I try to send the event from another pad elsewhere in the pipeline.
The debug output looks like a loop of repeated EOS events:
0:00:06.529580866 22492       0x6f78f0 DEBUG              GST_EVENT gstevent.c:300:gst_event_new_custom: creating new event 0xc75a40 eos 28174
0:00:06.529586525 22492       0x6f78f0 DEBUG               GST_PADS gstpad.c:4550:store_sticky_event:<mpegpsmux0:src> pad is EOS
0:00:06.529591227 22492       0x6f78f0 DEBUG               GST_PADS gstpad.c:4845:gst_pad_push_event:<mpegpsmux0:src> We're EOS
0:00:06.529595976 22492       0x6f78f0 DEBUG              mpegpsmux mpegpsmux.c:512:mpegpsmux_collected:<mpegpsmux0> Pads collected
0:00:06.529600104 22492       0x6f78f0 DEBUG             GST_MEMORY gstmemory.c:138:gst_memory_init: new memory 0xa2d430, maxsize:4 offset:0 size:4
0:00:06.529605836 22492       0x6f78f0 DEBUG             GST_MEMORY gstmemory.c:88:_gst_memory_free: free memory 0xa2d430
These 6 lines are repeated again and again ...

I tried gst_element_send_event() instead, this does not lock, and the EOS is received, but this does not solve the original problem of some bad files being created by filesink.

I have a GTK window with g_signal_connect for "key_press_event" to end
the program when Esc is pressed.
The mux sink pad is a request pad so I add a callback for pad-added on
the mux before the pipeline is linked up:
g_signal_connect (data->mux, "pad-added", G_CALLBACK (cb_new_mux_pad),

In this callback, keep a pointer to mux sink pad for later:
static void cb_new_mux_pad (GstElement *element, GstPad *pad, GstAppData
     data->mux_pad = pad;

Set pipeline to play and then run gtk_main()

On exit, call gtk_main_quit() then add a callback on the filesink sink pad:
pad = gst_element_get_static_pad (data->filesink, "sink");
gst_pad_add_probe (pad,
(GstPadProbeCallback) cb_pad_event, data, NULL);
gst_object_unref (pad);

Send an EOS into the mux sink pad we already have a reference to:
gst_pad_send_event (data->mux_pad, gst_event_new_eos ());

In the probe pad callback, just set some flag (data->EOS) that we can
check for it later:
static GstPadProbeReturn cb_pad_event (GstPad *pad, GstPadProbeInfo
*info, GstAppData *data)
   GstEvent *event;
   event = GST_PAD_PROBE_INFO_EVENT(info);
   if (event->type == GST_EVENT_EOS){
       data->EOS = TRUE;

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