bufferpool: is it possible wait all memory writalbe, nor free the buffer?

Bing Song Kevin.Song at freescale.com
Thu Jan 8 19:41:50 PST 2015


Below code in default_release_buffer() in gstbufferpool.c will free buffer.

  /* all memory should be exclusive to this buffer (and thus be writable) */
  if (G_UNLIKELY (!gst_buffer_is_all_memory_writable (buffer)))
goto not_writable;

Is it possible to add one feature to wait until all memory writable?

Our use case need buffers in video buffer pool are fixed, can't free and allocate during PLAYING. As camera has two video pipeline (viewfinder and video recording), it will free buffer as the memory isn't writable. The memory is used by another gstbuffer when gstbuffer copy.

Song Bing.
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