IMX Scaler / CSC m2m driver.

Nicolas Dufresne nicolas.dufresne at
Wed Mar 25 08:33:42 PDT 2015

Le mercredi 25 mars 2015 à 15:04 +0000, Ian Molton a écrit :
> Oh, some more info:
> My best (so far) pipeline:
> gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location= Downloads/ ! qtdemux ! h264parse ! v4l2video3videodec capture-io-mode=dmabuf ! v4l2video0convert output-io-mode=dmabuf-import ! video/x-raw,width=480,height=272 ! ximagesink sync=false
> As I understand things so far:
> * filesrc read data into a buffer that qtdemux uses (no copy?)

Well, reading from file to ram is usually considered a copy. Though
encoded data is 40 times smaller generally.

> * qtdemux fills another buffer that h264parse uses (no copy?)

qtdemux will frame and parse the output. It may requires copies.

> * h264parse fills another buffer (no copy?)

In this case no copy, it will only copy is very special conditions.

> * v4l2video3dec copies [in userspace] that last buffer to the
>    buffers it gets from the kernel.

A copy is made to the device mmap pool. This is only avoidable if your
driver supports output-io-mode=userptr. demuxers don't do allocation
query, so they can't write into the decoder pool.

> * v4l2videoconvert gets the completed buffers from v4l2video3dec
>    via dmabuf-import (no copy?) and produces the scaled/CSC'd output.

No copy, and no CPU mampping (mmap). That makes the expensive flush
suspicious btw.

> Im a bit hazy on what happens next. Where does v4l2videoconvert get
> its output (capture?) buffers from? presumably they arent the same
> ones it used for input as the sizes wont [necessarily] match?

By default, the driver will allocate and will be mapped to userspace
using mmap(). So there is not copy at that element, it just push mmap()

> if these are allocted in ximagesink, and passed in from there, then
> it would need capture-io-mode=userptr is that right?


> presumably without USERPTR, the buffers would have been allocated
> in kernel (via ?), and would need to have been copied to userspace?

Via an allocator, could be CMA, scatter gatter, or vmalloc. They are not
copied to userspace, they are mapped. The problem is that to pass that
memory to the X11 server you need that memory to be XShm allocated. So
ximagesink will copy the mmap buffer to an XShm segment.

> I did notice some /really/ odd behaviour from this pipeline:
> gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location= Downloads/ ! qtdemux ! h264parse ! v4l2video3videodec capture-io-mode=dmabuf ! v4l2video0convert output-io-mode=userptr ! video/x-raw,width=1920,height=1088 ! ximagesink sync=false
> with the video going back in time, etc. (actually, I think I could
> see the IPU IC tiling, as it seemed like there were 4 regions of the
> display, and not always in sync with each other.)

In older Gst (that means anything not master) there was some issue that
could do that. If you are on git master, then you have a broken driver,
or userptr is not really supported.


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