[WebRTC] Muxing vp8 with oggmux fails: header data missing

Nicolas Dufresne nicolas.dufresne at collabora.com
Tue Mar 31 07:52:19 PDT 2015

Le mardi 31 mars 2015 à 06:55 -0700, Arjen Veenhuizen a écrit :
> So, apparently, I have lost my header data along the way (i have no
> clue
> where to get that) and ogg mux is not able to create it for me.
> Any pointers in the right direction? I am on GIT master.

The headers are within the SDP. Janus should have parsed that for you
passed it along with the stream. Or at least given you access to it, and
told you which media index the stream matches in the SDP.


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