Working with an existing GStreamer pipeline

Pier madstrum at
Tue May 12 19:54:54 PDT 2015


I'm using a GStreamer pipeline to record avi file using the command line.

gst-launch tvsrc fps-n=25 ! 'video/x-raw-yuv, width=(int)720,
height=(int)576m framerate=(fraction)25/1' ! vpuenc codec=6 bitrate=1000000
! avimux ! queue2 max-size-buffers=1 max-size-bytes=0 max-size-time=0 !
filesink location=output.avi

Is there a way, without using GStreamer SDK, to receive a callback from the
pipeline for every frame recorded? I need to log data for every frame of
the video that is recorded.

This is on a iMX6 device. (CM-FX6)

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