UTC timestamp into H.264 stream

Nicolas Dufresne nicolas.dufresne at collabora.com
Mon Jan 11 15:25:02 PST 2016

Le lundi 11 janvier 2016 à 23:24 +0100, Florian Langlois a écrit :
> Hello,
> For a project I need to insert UTC timestamps into a h.264 stream
> using the MISB ST 604.
> I also need to insert Commercial precision timestamp detailled in the
> same  MISB.
> Frames are captured from a live source v4l2src then encoded using an
> imx6 encoder and send with a udpsink.
> Before to start I want to know if someone here has  any idea of what
> would be a good pipeline architecture for that ?
> I wanted to develop a dedicated plugin for that but i dont know how
> to get correct UTC timestamp ? Do such a gstclock exist ?
> Thx
> Florian

You can grab the system clock and set the clock-type property to
GST_CLOCK_TYPE_REALTIME (instead of default which is
GST_CLOCK_TYPE_MONOTONIC). Then you need to force your pipeline into
using that clock, see gst_pipeline_use_clock() method.

Note that to convert the buffer timestamp into clock time (UTC time),
you will have to track the GstSegment structure from the segment event,
convert the timestamp to running-time and add the pipeline base time

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