Hi, I've just read the IRC report of yesterday and have seen a few questions about the quicktime format, so I will try to answer: A header in quicktime - atom - can be placed before or after "real" data - atom . Of course if you want to stream a file, the header has to be placed at the beginning... By default, in a file created by QT4L or OpenQuicktime, the header is placed at the end. But there are functions to make a file streamable (basically, it's just translating offsets)... Headers in Quicktime, can also be compressed enabling the streaming to start faster . I planned to make all this things (header position, compressed headers, ...) parameters of the Gstreamer Quicktime Muxer as it is in Quicktime Pro ;) Btw, we also plan to transform OpenQuicktime to handle the .mp4 file format (just a few new atoms and track types ...) Hope that helps, Yann. Find the best deals on the web at AltaVista Shopping! http://www.shopping.altavista.com