Hi Ronald,<BR>
thank you very much for your reply. I 've got few more queries here.<BR>
Please read on..<BR>
On Mon, 15 Mar 2004 Ronald Bultje wrote :<BR>
>Hi Yogesh,<BR>
>On 15 Mar 2004, Yogesh Kumar wrote:<BR>
> > Are there ways to create a pipleine that spans across multiple<BR>
> > machines?<BR>
>We have network elements: tcpsrc/tcpsink and udpsrc/udpsink. I suppose<BR>
>that for distributed work, you want tcpsrc/tcpsink. udpsrc/udpsink is more<BR>
>suited for real-time streaming.<BR>
Do we have stable RTP/RTCP source/sink elements support in <BR>
gstreamer yet? <BR>
If not, what and how much work has to be done to support it?<BR>
We want to send some media data from one machine to another <BR>
with frame rate control and do some transformation of the stream and then pass it on to another machine. Would this be feasible with the<BR>
current udp/tcp/rtc/ source and sink support? We are trying to ascertain <BR>
what amount of effort 'd be required to add this distributed multimedia processing to gstreamer. <BR>
thank you<BR>
Yogesh <BR>
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