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see below...<br>
<blockquote cite="mid1108373577.2845.20.camel@tux.lan" type="cite">
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">3) This is minor and a bit of an aside, but should this project be
considered an end unto itself or a stepping stone on the path to an
improved error handling mechanism in gstreamer itself? It seems to me
that if one of the goals of this is for this to be a stop gap solution
of sorts for totem users and the like to go find missing plugins and the
like, it would be MUCH better to have totem just say directly to the
user you are missing plugin x, go to y to download and install what you
need... I had a random thought that perhaps this status table could be a
way to collect, update and get a working maintenance process around some
of data you might need to improve gstreamers error handling for these
error cases...
<pre wrap=""><!---->
I don't think we can do that,</pre>
If the status tables contain a complete list of all supported plugins
and the media types they attempt to support, we could hopefully at
least provide a list of "Here are the plugins that are available and
intended to deal with this type of file." Of course some lists might be
empty if gstreamer has no plugin support for certain file types...<br>
<blockquote cite="mid1108373577.2845.20.camel@tux.lan" type="cite">
<pre wrap="">We don't know what decodes $mediatype,
because that depends on the plugins the user has installed. Multiple
plugins can decode a given mediatype, and so on. Not to mention that
Fedora and the like may even strip out the useful parts (prticularly
mpeg) if we do this inside totem, making it completely useless for our
intended purpose.
Even if gstreamer cannot access any file type information from a file
if the appropriate plugin is not installed, it could perhaps at least
be able to handle some of the most common error cases like "This file
ends in (.mov/wmv/mpg), check gstreamers plugin status table page for a
list of plugins that may support this type of data(container format)."
Once basic container format errors are handled in some fashion the next
step would be to beef it up a bit by also mentioning the exact missing
codec(s) and such. There may be file type libraries around that may be
able to help out with this if gstreamer can't deal with it internally.
Whether this is functionality is dealt with by gstreamer or perhaps by
a seperate library that all gstreamer based apps could link against is
mostly a question for the various core developers...<br>