hi <br>
i would like 2 know exactly how the syncing is done.<br>
i didn't understand some things when i went thru the
basesink,baseaudiosink files. why, in the baseaudiosink ,the gettimes
func returns the the null values for the start & end time for the
buffer, whereas in the basesink it returns the the actual values. i got
a little confused when i went thru them.so does that mean that for
audio, the buffer nevers go thru the wait call . i would also
like to know how the xvimagesink uses the clock
provided by the the baseaudiosink which increments the time based on
the the sampling rate(samples processed). how does that clock become
global automatically?,meaning how the other elemnets in the pipeline
refer to that clock.<br>
if the sink uses gstsystemclock (provide-clock=false), will all the
elements basetime be set to current system time ? i would also didn't
understand the paramaters internal & external in
gst_clock_set_calibration. <br>