<div>Can you tell me how to deal with these issues? thanks.</div> <div> </div> <div>PC : redhat linux 9.2</div> <div>target : arm-linux </div> <div>1. gstreamer is bigger when cross-compile. Why? How to reduce the size of gstreamer ?</div> <div>gstreamer compiled with gcc is 8.7M , but it cross-compiled with arm-linux-gcc is 21M.</div> <div>cross-compile configure:(I cross-compile glib and libxml into /home/aaa directory at first)</div> <div>CC=arm-linux-gcc LDFLAGS=-L/home/aaa/installdir/lib CPPFLAGS=-I/home/aaa/installdir/include ./configure --host=arm-linux --prefix=/home/aaa/installdir --disable-examples --disable-tests --disable-failing-tests --disable-docbook --disable-gtk-doc --disable-net --disable-debug</div> <div><BR>2. How to tailor glib and libxml to minimum to support gstreamer?</div> <div>glib cross-compile configure:</div> <div>CC=arm-linux-gcc ./configure --cache-file=crosscompile.cache --host=arm-linux --prefix=/home/aaa/installdir
--disable-debug --disable-rebuilds --disable-visibility --disable-gtk-doc --disable-man --without-libiconv --without-html --without-xml<BR>libxml cross-compile configure:</div> <div>CC=arm-linux-gcc ./configure --host=arm-linux --prefix=/home/aaa/installdir --disable-ipv6 --without-docbook --without-ftp --without-html --without-http<BR></div> <div>3.How to tailor gst-plugin-base according with my requirement?</div> <div>I don't need so many plugins, especially those depending on x11 libs, but I don't know how to tailor.</div> <div> </div><p>
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