I have to do an application which use gstreamer to do video streaming over ICE (Internet Communications Engine, it seems to CORBA). The application must load the plugin/class and the plugin must be the element which connects the application to ICE.<br><br>Thank you 4 all!<br><br><b><i>Edward Hervey <bilboed@gmail.com></i></b> escribió:<blockquote class="replbq" style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;">Hi,<br><br> If you explained what application and plugin you're trying to build<br>we might be able to give you more details as to whether using<br>gstplugins is the good idea or not.<br><br> Edward<br><br>P.S. : Answer to me and mailing-list at the same time (reply to all).<br><br>On 5/28/06, Oscar Acena <oscaracena@yahoo.es> wrote:<br>> Hi,<br>><br>> Thanks for answer so fast! The thing is that i think that i really need<br>> a plugin :-p<br>> I want to do a (what i think it must be a) plugin to use in
other<br>> applications. The task the "plugin" must do is comunicate with another<br>> app in a special way, but the thing is that it should be used in other<br>> applications, so i thought that a plugin will do. Please, tell me if i'm<br>> wrong ;-) and thanks.<br>><br>> Cheers.<br>><br>> Edward Hervey escribió:<br>> > Hi,<br>> ><br>> > On 5/28/06, Oscar Aceÿfffff1a <oscaracena@yahoo.es> wrote:<br>> >> Hello,<br>> >><br>> >> Well, i've wondered this many times. Then, should i presume that already<br>> >> exists one plugin writted in python and, therefore, for python? If<br>> >> so, where<br>> >> can i get it? I'm about to write an app in python too, and i need to<br>> >> write a<br>> >> plugin, in python if possible!<br>> ><br>> > Let's get things straight first :) You CAN create elements entirely<br>> > in python, you just have to create a
class that derives from<br>> > gst.Element (or one of the convenience classes, like gst.BaseSrc). ex:<br>> > class MyElement(gst.Element): ....<br>> > To create elements from that class you just... instantiate one.<br>> > myelement = MyElement().<br>> > And those elements can be used as any other gst.Element (like the<br>> > ones coming from gst.element_factory_make()).<br>> ><br>> > A gst.Plugin is NOT needed to create gstreamer elements you can use<br>> > in a pipeline (some C applications already do that for application<br>> > specific elements).<br>> ><br>> > The only need for a plugin, is to be able to use the element<br>> > class(es) that plugin provides in other gstreamer-based software,<br>> > through the use of the gst.Registry. It is NOT a requirement to be<br>> > able to use element classes in your progrm. If you want to use those<br>> > element classes in your
program, you don't need plugins, you link them<br>> > statically to your C program.<br>> ><br>> > So if you want to write element classes in python and use them in<br>> > your python program... you already can.<br>> ><br>> > Do you understand the difference between a Plugin and an element<br>> > class now ?<br>> ><br>> >><br>> >> Another question: I have seen that to write a plugin, exists a template;<br>> >> this template, it is only writted for C? If so, can i port it to python?<br>> >> This could be useful for at least two persons! :-)<br>> ><br>> > Once the python plugin loader is there... I guess we'll get round to<br>> > creating a template (which is going to be 50 lines more or less...).<br>> ><br>> >><br>> >> And the last question: if this is possible, how can i load the plugin<br>> >> to use<br>> >> in a normal
pipe?<br>> ><br>> > Read the paragraph about "plugin != element" above once more.<br>> ><br>> >><br>> >> Thanks in advance to all!<br>> >><br>> >> Edward Hervey <bilboed@gmail.com> escribió:<br>> >> HI,<br>> >><br>> >> Currently you can create most type of elements entirely in Python.<br>> >> But we don't have a python plugin loader currently, so you will only<br>> >> be able to use it from a python application (importing the python file<br>> >> where you wrote yor element).<br>><br>><br>><br>><br>><br>> ______________________________________________<br>> LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo.<br>> Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto.<br>> http://es.voice.yahoo.com<br>><br>><br><br><br>-- <br>Edward Hervey<br>Junior developer / Fluendo
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