<div>Hi Ben,</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Can you tell me how you did it? I am trying to mux AMR audio into a mov file, but all I get in output is a 182 byte file. I used the pipeline</div>
<div>filesrc ! audio/AMR,rate=8000,channels=2 ! ffmux_mov ! filesink.</div>
<div>(I checked that the file does indeed have a #!AMR header).</div>
<div> </div>
<div>I even tried doing it in mp4 using a AAC file as input and ffmux_mp4. When I tried to run the output file, the players show the duration as more than 8000 hours and are not able to play it at all! I am totally at a loss.
<div> </div>
<div>Would really appreciate some help here.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Deeptendu<br><br> </div>
<div><span class="gmail_quote">On 10/25/06, <b class="gmail_sendername">Benoit Fouet</b> <<a href="mailto:benoit.fouet@purplelabs.com">benoit.fouet@purplelabs.com</a>> wrote:</span></div>
<div><span class="gmail_quote">that does :)<br>indeed, I modified a bit the amrnb- dec/enc stuff a bit here, so that it<br>handles the amr header.<br>(to avoid the use of the amr parser)<br>sorry for all the noise, it seems i told a lot of stupid things yesterday...
<br><br>indeed, thanks for explanation Daniel !<br><br></span></div>
<blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="PADDING-LEFT: 1ex; MARGIN: 0px 0px 0px 0.8ex; BORDER-LEFT: #ccc 1px solid">Daniel Díaz wrote:<br>> Hello there!<br>><br>><br>> On 10/25/06, Benoit Fouet <<a href="mailto:benoit.fouet@purplelabs.com">
benoit.fouet@purplelabs.com</a>> wrote:<br>><br>>> Hi<br>>><br>>> SP GLE wrote:<br>>><br>>>> Hi,<br>>>> I'm trying to link an 'amrnbenc' element and a 'ffmux_mov',<br>>>> amrnbenc SRC caps are
<br>>>> Capabilities:<br>>>> audio/AMR<br>>>> rate: 8000<br>>>> channels: 1<br>>>><br>>>> ffmux_mov SINK Caps are<br>>>> audio/x-amr-nb
<br>>>> rate: [ 8000, 96000 ]<br>>>> channels: [ 1, 2 ]<br>>>><br>>>> so linking seems incompatible, how can i link these elements ? Is there<br>>>> a way to change capabilities ?
<br>>>><br>>>> failed negotiation between pads is attached for the following cmd :<br>>>> GST_DEBUG=4 GST_DEBUG_NO_COLOR=1 gst-launch audiotestsrc !<br>>>> audioconvert ! amrnbenc ! ffmux_mov ! filesink location=/tmp/f.mov
<br>>>><br>>>> Thanks.<br>>>><br>>>><br>>> you have to change the source code of amr decoder, so that it is<br>>> audio/x-amr-nb too on its sink pad.<br>>><br>><br>
> Why was that, again?<br>><br>> As I understand it, audio/x-amr-nb-sh is "MIME-ful" AMR narrow band,<br>> that is, with a header like this: `echo '#!AMR' > header.amr`.<br>><br>> Then, audio/AMR is "MIME-less" AMR information. Certainly, the output
<br>> of the amrnbenc is lacking such header because it is pure AMR data, no<br>> MIME header.<br>><br>> That's why amrnbparse takes audio/x-amr-nb-sh and outputs audio/AMR.<br>><br>> See section 8.1 of RFC 3267, where it says that MIME type for AMR is
<br>> precisely audio/AMR, with audio/AMR-WB being used for wide band.<br>><br>> Also, I vaguely recall that one of the de/muxers needed such header<br>> for AMR, or needed it not when coming from RTP. Or something
<br>> in-between :) But in any case, it is possible to have a complete<br>> pipeline with those elements without changing the source code.<br>><br>> Hope that makes some sense.<br>><br>that does :)<br>indeed, I modified a bit the amrnb- dec/enc stuff a bit here, so that it
<br>handles the amr header.<br>(to avoid the use of the amr parser)<br>sorry for all the noise, it seems i told a lot of stupid things yesterday...<br><br>indeed, thanks for explanation Daniel !<br><br>-- Ben<br><br>> Daniel Díaz
<br>> <a href="mailto:ddiaz@ti.com">ddiaz@ti.com</a><br>><br>><br>></blockquote>