hello,<br> i've added fullscreen features to the xvimagesink plugin, which allows the plugin to go into fullscreen mode.<br>basically ive written a function that achieves this,<br>but there seems to be a problem sometimes while going into the fullscreen mode,
<br>[problems]<br><br>sometimes while switching to the fullscreen mode, the window just dissapears and fullscreen never appears.<br>and sometimes<br>XIO: fatal IO error 0 (Success) on X server ":0.0"<br> after 197 requests (195 known processed) with 0 events remaining.
<br><br>[end]<br><br>maybe im not aquiring the correct locks, or the fullscreen_toggle() is not done at the proper location in code.<br>currently im aquiring a lock on the flow and to the xcontext, i.e. g_mutex_lock(xvimagesink->flow_lock) and
<br>g_mutex_lock(xvimagesink->x_lock) ..<br>Probably i should be able to fix this with the help of Julien Moutte (original code author).<br><br>Code Additions ive made:<br>1] gst_xvimagesink_toggle_fullscreen(), toggles the fullscreen mode.
<br>2] Installed fullscreen property on the plugin (so that the pipeline can start in fullscreen mode)<br>3] Installed title property on the plugin (so u can set the title of the xv window to something u like, default "XVImageSink")
<br>4] Capturing X Keypress Events for keys F and f to toggle fullscreen and Key Escape to switch to window mode when in fullscreen.<br><br>i would like to know where i should submit the code additions ive made.<br>and would also like to know whether i need to describe what im doing in the code additions.