Hi,<br><br>I'd like to announce a project I've had over the winter. Kaapow is a little python application for playing with webcams. It will display you webcam feed and allow you to apply effects to the feed (currently limited to the *tv elements, see below). The url is
<a href="http://adam.uwcs.co.uk/kaapow" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">http://adam.uwcs.co.uk/kaapow</a>. This should be fun for people with cameras built into laptops for example.
<br><br>So the next step I want to take is to add an "overlay" effect to put a picture of a gorilla on top of the camera feed, so one can look at oneself being a gorilla (i.e. some of the image would be transparent). Unfortunately this is not as simple as sticking in an edgetv element and a colorspace. My gut reaction was this:
<br><br>[ filesrc ! pngdec ! freeze ! ffmpegcolorspace ]<br>[ feed going in ! ffmpegcolorspace ]<br><br>both into <br><br>[ videomixer ! feed going out ]<br><br>I do get one frame of output from this, with the image on top but then playing stops. I've also tried playing with pad probes to eat up EOS events but still no success.
<br><br>Are there any example of doing this?<br><br>Thanks,<br>Adam<br><br><br>